Thursday, October 18, 2007

Decision made...most likely...

Drum-roll please...

The decision is...iPhone.

Here are the reasons:
1. They are cool.
2. I like them.
3. The Blackberry data plan through Verizon is lame.
4. The iPhone will have my "The Office" episodes on it.
5. The iPhone will have a few of my MST3K shows on it.
6. The Blackberry is the size of a cheeseburger in your pocket (thanks Harmony!)
7. The iPhone is sweet.
8. Steve Jobs has one (or two).
9. Bill Gates doesn't (well, he probably does...).
10. Uh...the iPhone will have Suduko on it?

So, there you have it. A bunch of people have given my, thanks. And the iPhone it is...


alison said...

Now we can all sleep better, Brian has his phone!